Tag: ТРКИ 4 информация

Можно ли сдать тест ТРКИ 4 онлайн? Russian C2 exam online?

Можно ли сдать тест ТРКИ 4 онлайн? Russian C2 exam online?

  Кто-нибудь сдавал ТРКИ 4 онлайн? Стоит ли рисковать, или лучше приступить к экзамену традиционным способом.   Сдать экзамен ТРКИ 4 дистанционно действительно возможно. Нужно обратиться в один из аккредитованных центров русского языка в вашей стране пребывания и узнавать подробности у них. Лично мне не 

Does the TRKI 4 certificate even exist? Russian C2 exam controversy

Does the TRKI 4 certificate even exist? Russian C2 exam controversy

I recently got a question about the TRKI 4 certificate. Here’s the message, copied with permission, that I got via Instagram the other day. JackO Sig wrote: I’ve wondered for a while now if the TRKI 4 certificate is even a thing. The Russian C2 

Stay motivated while studying for the TRKI-4

Stay motivated while studying for the TRKI-4

Studying for the TRKI-4, as you may or may not know, is an uncharted territory. There exist no guidebooks and no practice sheets to aid you in exam preparation. And then it gets even worse when you realize that the TRKI-4 requirements exceed linguistic competence of your average native speaker, that many tasks come with convoluted instructions and that the time limits are infamously stringent. As you begin your TORFL-4 journey, you’re quickly finding yourself alone, facing what may seem like an impossible task. Mapping the territory that is the TRKI-4 is a lonesome endeavor–one where nagging self-doubt and weariness become your only companions. So keeping your mojo while studying for the TRKI-4, as we’ve been finding in the years this blog’s been around, is not easy at all.

Continue reading Stay motivated while studying for the TRKI-4

Why is the TRKI 4 exam so hard?

Why is the TRKI 4 exam so hard?

TORFL-4 exam difficulty level   Difficulty level of the TORFL-4 exam is a subject of much debate and discussion among learners of the Russian language–one that ignites much controversy. It’s also the one question most often asked of me ever since I received my own 

Russian B2 to Russian C2 Study Routine

Russian B2 to Russian C2 Study Routine

How do you get from a B2 to a C2 level in Russian?   Question: Hi Daria! Thank you so much for this site! In Gareth’s interview you say, “I studied systematically for the next two years, following a routine that worked for me. That 

Russian movies with English subtitles

Russian movies with English subtitles

Русские фильмы с английскими субтитрами



Can you recommend a place to watch Russian movies with English subtitles? Do you think this method is effective or a waste of time? Thanks!

My first choice would be Netflix, I’m a Netflix person. Currently there’s lots of Russian movies with English subtitles on Netflix,in fact, I wouldn’t shy away from some of the cartoons on there, like “Space Dogs.”

Other than that, Russian movies are widely available on the internet, just use yandex. For English subtitles, I used to watch RT TV — they have documentaries with English subtitles. If you like old Soviet movies (I don’t, haha), I can recommend this vkgroup–they have a great collection, as well as this website.

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