Info on TORFL-4 Resources

TORFL-4 exam resources — an ordered list of articles and exercises for every part to, hopefully, facilitate navigating around the many resources published on this website:

1. Guidelines and requirements for Writing/Письмо

Specific instructions and examples for:

1.Abstract       2.Recommendation       3.Summary

You can download official writing samples from the TRKI 4 test here.

2.  Vocabulary and Grammar/Грамматика-Лексика–a Torfl-4 mock exam in parts

3. Guidelines and requirements for Reading/Чтение 

Task requirements, skills overview, and crucial details for

Text #1

(Exercise #1, Exercise #2 and Exercise #3)

Texts #2 & #3

Texts #4 & #5

(Exercise #1, Exercise #2, Exercise #3)

4. Guidelines and requirements for Listening Comprehension/Аудирование 

Downloadable exercises for this part you can find here.


5. Guidelines and requirements for Speaking/Говорение

Specific instructions and exam strategies for:

Aside from preparatory materials for candidates for the TORFL-4 exam, this site features activities that help with progressing from C1 to C2 level in the Russian language. All these activities are specifically tailored to the TRKI-4 exam.

Vocabulary exercises — fill-in-the-gap and multiple choice quizzes on synonyms, antonyms, and collocations to give you a major lexical boost.

Grammar exercises –likewise, various quizzes pertaining to verb forms, use of Russian in complex sentences, paronyms and textual semantics.

Text-based TORFL-4 tests — an extension of the exercises on semantics and text comprehension, many of which I’ve successfully used while tutoring as a way to prepare students for reading, listening and writing during the TORFL-4 tests.

Other crucial resources on this blog include posts directly answering questions about the TRKI-4 (exam strategies, grammar issues, etc.) that were either e-mailed to me directly or asked by site visitors; there is also the Russian vocabulary boost project going on, as well as my occasional polyglot musings.

If you have any questions or comments don’t hesitate to drop me a line. Feel free to contact me also if you have a TORFL-4 success story to share, I would love to publish it here, on my site.


3 thoughts on “Info on TORFL-4 Resources”

  • This is a great list! I hope audio files will soon be available for download as well. Listening is the part I’m most scared of.

  • Лично Я больше всего нуждался в грамотных руководствах по части письмо. Задание по пересказу для меня вообще дикое и непонятное. Ваши списки фразочек и пояснения очень помогли конечно, но писать я все равно не умею. Не мое. Спасибо вам большое за вашу работу и удачи!

    • Сабир, всем, кто говорят, что не умеют писать, то есть сочинять текст, Я всегда рекомендую начать с упражнений на восстановление текста.
      Здесь не нужен талант, вы же не роман будете писать. Нужно просто усвоить правила структуры текста и знать базовые связывающие его фразы. Правда, легче это делать под руководством педагога.
      Можно начать еще проще — читать побольше и разнообразно. Причем чтение должно быть сознательным. Читая стати, попробуйте восстановить хронологию мыслей автора у себя в голове, и сразу вся структура текста встанет у вас перед глазами.

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